Is it time for a New Year’s Resolution reset? A WORD instead of a RESOLUTION.
How is your New Year’s Resolution coming along? By now, most of us have forgotten we made one. You may need a New Year’s Resolution reset! Here is an idea that may help you reset your focus for the rest of the year. Instead of coming up with a New Year’s Resolution, for the past few years, I decided to come up with a word.
Last year, my word was INTENTIONAL. The year before that it was BIG. I’ll elaborate on that in another post. But this year, it’s ROUTINE. That sounds very boring and not productive, but I realized that it is the basis for all that is.
Nature is routine – and it has been for a very long time! It doesn’t seem at all boring to me. Think of the seasons, the days, the rotation of the earth on its axis, the orbit of the moon. And the nature of animals and wildlife to live in a routine with nature. Nature doesn’t get bored and change its mind about which direction the earth will rotate on its axis, or if the grass will sprout blue instead of green, or the seasons never get bored with their sequence and decide to switch fall before summer. Nature is so dependable and provides a very secure environment for us to live.
So why are routines so difficult for us to maintain? Is it because we become bored? Or are we not disciplined enough to maintain a routine? I encourage you to write down your daily routine, as mundane as it may seem. It will empower you to stay on track, enjoy the present moment, increase your focus and concentration, and create space for new possibilities.
What’s your word?! Write it down and keep it in a place where you can see it often. When you implement your New Year’s Resolution reset, begin to notice the magic of YOUR WORD.
All the best, Barbara